Thursday, October 8, 2009


I mentioned in an earlier post about couponing and thought I would share a bit with you. In the past I was really diligent about using coupons and shopping the sales at the grocery stores.

Then I got lazy....

Then I accumulated a LOT of debt....

Now I see things differently. When I coupon shop it is like giving my husband a raise. Our dollar goes much further and there is more money left over to pay off our debts. I think I will start giving you a regular update of my shopping trips and how I am doing at getting the deals!

This week I started
couponing again and I must say that I am very excited!!!!

Here are brief details of this weeks grocery foray:

First stop
Albertsons....Total came to $128.06
Amount I spent was $31.31
I had $87.99 in coupons and Bonus buy savings of $8.76 for a total savings of...........$96.75!!! That my friends is not too shabby!!!

Second stop was at a local grocery store called
Maceys. Total came to $29.46 but the amount I spent was $16.56. Not as good as the first store, but it still almost half off!

I should let you know that we are a family of 6 and our oldest child is a teenage boy! This means we have a lot of his friends over who are always hungry! My goal is to get our grocery bill down to under $100 a week consistently. I will let you know how it goes!!!

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